electric fuse is made up of which material
electric fuse is made up of which material
What is electric fuse?
A electric fuse is type of device which is used to protect or safe our appliance from the exceed current. In simplest words," A fuse is a safety device which is fitted just above on our main switch". It is always connected in series with load because the entire current passes through the electric fuse.
Construction of electric fuse:-
The electric fuse consist of a porcelain fuse holder having two brass terminals. One brass is directly connect to live wire. And, other part of fuse is removable by fuse grip which is also made up porcelain. The two brass is connected by a wire called fuse wire. The electric fuse wire is made up of 'lead tin alloy'. The thickness and length of fuse wire is depend upon the maximum current pass through the circuit. Electric fuse wire has high resistance and low melting point.
Working of electric fuse:-
When electric current is flowing through the wire, then wire become heated. To protecting our device from exceed current or heavily current. We use fuse between live wire and device. Let us study in details how electric fuse protect our device from exceed current:-
Whenever the exceed current take place, the current become large and heat the fuse wire too much. We know that the melting point of fuse wire is less then the melting point of copper wire. When heavly current take place in the circuit then electric fuse wire melt and protect our appliance from exceed current.
Types of fuse:-
There are two types of fuse which are:-
1. AC fuse
2. DC fuse
1. AC fuse:- The fuse which are working of alternative current (AC) are called AC fuse. It's also says that the fuse which is used to protect device from fluctuating current. There are two types of AC fuse are
(1.1). Low tension fuse.
(1.2). High tension fuse.
(1.1). Low tension fuse:- The fuse which is used in low voltage is called low tension fuse. They are further classified into two categories are
(a). Semi enclosed fuse or rewirable fuse,
(b). total enclosed or cartridge fuse.
(a). Semi enclosed fuse:- The fuse which is easily repair after it damage. This is mostly used in small current circuit. This type of fuse is mostly use in household wiring.
For example - KitKat fuse.
(b). total enclosed or cartridge fuse:- The fuse in which no air inside around fuse wire is called total enclosed fuse. The fuse in which fill silica send it Ceramic send inside it are called hrc fuse.
For example - hrc fuse and cylinder fuse.
(1.2). High tension fuse:- This type of fuse are working in high voltage current. The types of fuse use to protect transformer.
2. DC fuse:- The fuse which is work on DC current are known as DC fuses. This type of fuse used to protect DC circuit from exceed which are coming from the DC battery.
Advantage of electric fuse:-
1. It is not need any maintenance until its wire not be melt.
2. Fuse is available in very low price in the market.
3. It's wire automatically melt when short circuit or overloading held. So, it is called automatically operation.
4. Electric fuse wire melt without any smoke or noise.
5. it's required a less time to doing its operation as compared to circuit breaker.
Disadvantage of electric fuse:-
1. Considerable is lost on replacing of electric fuse wire after operation.
2. Sometime proper rating of wire is not available which will causes accident when short circuit or overloading held.
3. Its not indicate that it's working or not.
Which is better fuse or MCB?
1. Both device used to protect our appliance for exceed current. But MCB is more sensitive device.
2. When fault occur, the processing time of electric fuse is 0.002 second which is very less then the processing time of MCB is 0.01 - 0.05 second. Due to this region we still use electric fuses while MCB is available.
3. Fuse doesn't give any indication. But MCB gives indication about it's status.
4. After tripping fuse, its required to replace. But MCB can be used.
5.Fuse can't be used as on - off switch but MCB can be used as on - off switch.
MCB is more costly then fuse.