Capacitor - definition, and it's types
Capacitor - definition, and it's types
A capacitor is a conductor which store electrical charge and supply its once. In other words, A capacitor is a device that store energy in the form of electrostatic field. A capacitor consist of two conducting separating plate, it seperated by an insulating material called dielectric material. The capacity or ability to hold electrical charge is called capacitance. The unit of capacitance is farad(F). A capacitance is independent from charge and voltage. But, it depend upon the dimension and property of medium.
Types of capacitor:-
There are various shape and size of capacitor. Basically, there are two types of capacitor are:-
1. Fixed capacitor, 2. Variable capacitor
1. Fixed capacitor:-
The capacitor whose value is fixed while manufacturer is called fixed capacitor. There are two types of fixed capacitor are:-
1.1. Polar capacitor
1.2 non polar capacitor.
1.1. Polar capacitor:-
Polar capacitor work on dc supply and it have two terminals ( positive and negative terminal). They are further classified into two categories are:-
1.1.1. Electrolytic capacitor
1.1.2. Super capacitor.
1.1.1. Electrolytic capacitor:-
A Electrolytic capacitor is a type of polarity capacitor. So, it have two terminals and it uses electrolytes as a dielectric material. They are further classified into two categories are:-
(a). Aluminum Electrolytic capacitor,
(b). Tantalum electrolytic capacitor.
(a). Aluminum Electrolytic capacitor:-
It have two terminals and it work on d.c. supply. Its plate is made up of aluminum so, it is called aluminum electrolytic capacitor.
It uses solid, liquid, or gases fora dielectric material. It range from 1micro farad to 47000 micro farad. It has very cheap. It has a biggest disadvantage that on rest long periods of time its capacitance become decrease. It is used on power factor improvement and various DC circuit. It is also used on flash light of camera.
(b). Tantalum electrolytic capacitor:-
The plate or electrolytic is made of tantalum so, it is called tantalum electrolytic capacitor. It has very small in size and capacitance is high. And it has a long term stability. It's temperature range is from -55°C to 125°C. Its used on medical electronic equipment and also used on computer power supply. It has main disadvantage it is very costly.
1.1.2. Super capacitor:-
Super capacitor is also called ultra capacitor super cab. It's capacitance is very high and range from 100fd to 12000fd. It's main disadvantage that it work on low voltage rating( 2.5 to 2.7v). Super capacitor deliver charge faster then battery. Super capacitor used on ups of computer and power supply of laptop.
1.2. Non polar capacitor:-
Non polar capacitor work on Ac supply. So, it doesn't have any fixed terminal. It's used on Both Ac and DC circuit. Its capacitance is low but the operating point is high. There are three types of non polar capacitor are :-
1.2.1. Ceramic capacitor,
1.2.2. Mica capacitor,
1.2.3. film capacitor.
1.2.1. ceramic capacitor:-
Its dielectric material is made up of ceramic material so, it is called ceramic capacitor. Mostly there are two shapes of ceramic capacitor are:-
(a). Disk type ceramic:-
There are two colour variant in disk type capacitor are - Brown and Black. Brown disk type ceramic capacitor are used were low voltage rating. And, Blue disk type ceramic capacitor are used were high voltage rating.
(b). Multi layer ceramic capacitor:-
A multi layer ceramic capacitor is a another types of a ceramic capacitor. This type of capacitor are widely used in different electronic circuit. MLCC is small is size and peral shape.
1.2.2. Mica capacitor:-
In Mica capacitor, dielectric material is made up of 'mica'. Its work on high voltage regulatotion and its capacitance is low(47pf to 3000pfd). It used in modern electronic circuit, broadcasting equipment, high voltage regulator and resonance circuit.
1.2.3. Film capacitor:-
All the film capacitor is made up of two categories are:-
1. Metalized film capacitor:-
The capacitor in which we use metal is called metalized film capacitor. It's dielectric material is aluminum or zinc. It maximum range is 100 microfd.
2. Foil film capacitor:-
The capacitor in which foil is used is called foil film capacitor. It's dielectric material is paper/ plastic/ polyester/ polymer.
There are three types of film capacitor are:-
(a). Polyester film capacitor:-
The polyester film capacitor are two types ( metalized and foil types). This capacitor are small is breath and tilte head is out. The dielectric material of this capacitor is ' polyethylene'. Its work on high voltage and temperature (125°C).
(b). Polypropylone film capacitor:-
This are also two types( metalized and foil capacitor). It is moisture resistant and high frequency (100khz) and it's range is 100v. It dielectric material is made up of Polypropylone. It's used in running induction motor.
(c). Poly carbonet film capacitor:-
Poly carbonet film capacitor is a type of film capacitor. It's dielectric material is made up of poly carbonet. It is work on wide temperature range (-55°C to 125°C). It is used in high insulated resistance.
2. Variable capacitor:-
The capacitor in which we can vary the value of capacitance by rotating the top of notch is called variable capacitor. There are classified into two categories are:-
2.1. Electrically controlled:-
In this types of capacitor, we see that there is varactor diode inside it, so it also called vericap. This capacitor use diode in reverse voltage that controlled the capacitance, so it is in variable capacitor. It's used in power factor correction, frequency filter, high pass and low power filter.
2.2. Mechanical controlled:-
There are two types of mechanical controlled variable capacitor are:-
(a). Tunning capacitor:-
The capacitor which are used for tunning
Is called tuning capacitor. In this capacitor, dielectric material is air/ Mica.
(b). Trimmer capacitor:-
In this capacitor, the dielectric material is air/ ceramic. It is small in size. So, it is used in printed circuit board, and other electronic equipment.
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