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How to check electric meter?

How to check electric meter?

 Electric meter is a type of device which is used to calculate the unit of electricity that are used by our appliance. This is the first device whose capture current and distribute in our home. The simplest way to check electric meter is -

How to check electric meter?

If we want to check electric meter required a resistive load ( that is electric press, water heater, etc). After this all appliances of ours home should be in off condition for checking meter. But, only resistive load is in on condition upto one hours. After, one hours first check the reading of electric meter is increases by low than1.2 KWH, then our electric meter is working properly. Otherwise, the reading become increases by 1.2KWh, this indicate that your electric meter is calculate more unit in less time. Then, you should have change your electric meter via complaining in UPPCL. 

Types of Electric meter:-

There are two types of electric meter use are 
1. Analog electric meter
2. Digital electric meter

Most, now a day in many house use digital electric meter. Because, this electric meter show various parameter as camper to analog electric meter. That is date, time, used electric unit, power factor, and many more. The digital meter show bunch of information of electricity. 

How to check that electric bill is correct or not?

Kilowatt hours is called 'unit' of electrical energy or electricity which we pay to the electricity supply department of our city. Mostly, the cost of one unit is from rupees 7 to rupees 9. The rate vary place to place and also time to times. The electric meter in our home measure the electrical energy consumed in kilowatt hours or in unit. Our electricity bill depend upon on the total electrical energy consumed by our appliance in a period of time. 

So, to calculate electricity bill, first we should convert the power consumed in watts into kilowatts by dividing the total watts by 1000. The kilowatts are then converted into kilowatts hours by multiply the kilowatts by the number of hours for which the appliance has been used. This gives us the total number of unit of electricity consumed. By multiply the cost of unit we get total electricity bill.